by Zita A. Strother




...this was an extensive darkroom because of all the lines and poles, etc.
A job like this usually takes between 30 to 60 minutes ($50 to $100).
If it is the shot you were looking for it can be more than worth the extra cost.

The Package
The Package

To your Right another BEFORE........................
It was harder than it looks.
Removing the leather lead line was easy. But the stud chain, especially where it goes thru the buckle, was hard to do. I had to build the metal on the side halter ring off the nose piece and dodge and burn with light and dark to create a metal look. However both the owner and I felt this image was worth the extra "housekeeping."

The Package
The Package

AFTER...not a lot difference on the surface, but this image may be used repeatedly to promote the stallion.
Also, the goal is not for you to look at the horse and think:
"What a great Photo shop job!"
But to look at the image and think:
"What a Beautiful Horse!"

Your Future Never Looked Brighter!
Your Future Never Looked Brighter!
Contest Winning Photo

Looking to your right you can see the image has artistically rendered with sunset clouds behind stallion to create a whole new look. Note the changes in color on the stallion are intended to reflect the lighting and colors cast by the sun set. This stallion had a brilliant coppery coat and the image is a accurate representation of his actual color in bright light.
Like any art, making it look simple takes hours of practice.
It is my delight to be able to offer this service to you.